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Like so many others the Mid-East War has 
affected me a lot.   This is a 2-min 
video I quickly putogether. 

  To create these video characters  
   I used old "coloring books" 
    ... it's  a CRAZY version of a classical work. 

It was VERY bad day in MUDVILLE!   I added some sounds effects to the story.       Oh, you may recognize one of the disappointed fans at the end. 

An Animal CARNIVAL -- Animal photos have been inserted to help tell the story & words are from Ogden Nash, music by Camille Saint-Saëns.

WHY IS THERE ANYTHING?  -- It's an awkward
question scientists have trouble answering.  
            WE'RE HERE!  WE'RE ALIVE! 
         Something must have started it!

LINCOLN PORTRAIT  Aaron Copland's 
music and various statements 
President Lincoln once said.  


A mysterious place 238,900 miles 
from here 4.63 billion years old

Wanna hear a scary GHOST story?

A 7-minute video honoring the brave people of Ukraine at WAR . . .

Denver Int'l Airport -- Could ALIENS from another planet have developed the WORLD's 2nd Biggest Airport? 


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